Friday, March 8, 2013

Children as consumers

Marketers tried using different methods of advertising to sell children's products, but they used to think that the way to reach children  is through their parents, after the 20th century they started to advertise to kids and not their parents , because they notice that children determinate the products their parents buy starting with food ending up with the car their parents drive . now days children –in the US- spends over 40 billion dollars a year on food, games and electronics, because marketers influence them using advertisement, TV shows , music, video games , movies , etc.
If you are wondering how do children convince their parents to buy those stuff, you should read more about the nag factor , in short it is the study that shows how many times should kids ask for something to make their parents buy it !
controlling what the children watch won't help because the method spread too big that it reached schools and adds on the street and even if you controlled that , you will never control other people's children who effect yours as much as those adds do . the best thing to do is teaching your children the difference between what they want and what they need , yet not stopping them from buying what they want every once in a while as long as they deserve it .

by: Salha Al-Semery

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